NOTE: For people who are not on our mailing list, here is a story featured in our Summer 2008 Special Edition Newsletter.
Graduation 2008
“To see what Wellsprings is all about, come to Graduation!” Again and again over the years, we—teacher, Trustee, parent, Head—have said this to people. Not only does Graduation represent the culmination of their high school years for all the graduates, our ceremony itself reflects and expresses what makes Wellsprings, Wellsprings!
Here is what one guest (not related to any of the graduates) wrote this year: “It was the most moving, most joyful graduation event I had ever attended. I found myself crying off and on. I observed true caring and interest in life and learning by all those who spoke and participated…. It was empowering. Thank you.”
Graduation at Wellsprings is not an assembly line process. As in everything we do during the year—classes, field trips, community meetings, special events—it is humanized and individualized.
What stands out as you experience the event is the time when one by one, a teacher will talk about an individual student. You can see several snapshots of those moments here.
The other process that makes Graduation so special is that we invite anyone in the audience to speak from their hearts. Parents, siblings, friends, relatives—all get a chance, if they wish, to share their thoughts and feelings.
You might also note in one or two of the photos that there is no uniformity in the style of dress of the graduates. Some are wearing cap and gown, others are dressed in their own special way. Those in gowns look like parts of a rainbow, so many colors are represented! The students choose. After all, it’s their day.
-- Dennis Hoerner, School Head
More Photos of Graduation 2008
(click on image to enlarge photos)
The 2008 Graduating Class
Paul comments on Nathan's chops while introducing him as a 2008 graduate.

Personal stories while presenting the graduates is a well-loved tradition (Chanci with graduate Ben).

Graduate Tyler sneaks a peak at what teacher Tyler is going to say about him.

School Head Dennis Hoerner shares his thoughts with the graduating class and audience.

Chanci brings a smile to the face of a graduate as she shares her experiences of times with the student.

A special graduation moment for teachers Chanci and Bob.
Here are more photos of the graduation ceremony (click to enlarge).